Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tqm Syllabus Free Essays

DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ST JOSEPH’S PG COLLEGE UNIT PLANNER NAME OF THE LECTURER: K. Srivani CLASS: MBA II YEAR I SEMESTER SUBJECT: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT UNIT I:TQM HISTORY EVOLUTION TOPIC |CONTENT |BOOK CHAPTER PAGE NUMBERS |NO OF HOURS |TEACHING METHODOLOGIES/AIDS | |Connotations of Quality|Definitions |Total Quality Management: Dale Besterfield –Pages |2 |Lecture Method; Brainstorming/Quiz | | |Awareness |13-20 | |Teaching Aid –PPT-Intro | | |Quality Framework | | | | | |Quality Equation Q=P/E | | | | |Dimensions of Quality |Product-Garvin’s Nine Dimensions Features; Conformance |Total Quality Management: Dale Besterfield –Pages |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |etc. |21-27 | | | | |Services: The P-C-P Model | | | | | |Peripheral-Core-Pivotal Characteristics Model. We will write a custom essay sample on Tqm Syllabus or any similar topic only for you Order Now |TQM in the Service Sector: R P Mohanty Pages 59-60 | | | | | |and 82-84 | | |The Concept of TQM and |Brief History |Total Quality Management: Dale Besterfield –Pages |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |Evolution of TQM |Old and New Cultures |15-17 and 21-22 | | | | |The Story of Gurus from Shehwart,- Deming to Ishikawa | | | | | |Modern Systems/Six sigma | | | | | |TQM Fundamentals | | | | |Inspection, SQC, QA |The inspection Era |Total Quality Management: Dale Besterfield –Pages 21|2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |TQM Conventional QM |The Statistical QC –Techniques |expanded to 2nd and 3rd chapters –summary; | |Cases and Examples with citations of TQM | |/TQM |Reactive Approach |General Quality references, Industry Practices | |exemplary Organisations | | |Prevention of Defects | | | | | |Proactive Approach | | | | | |Quality Assurance TQM | | | | | |QM and TQM | | | | |Customer Supplier focus|Customer Definition |Total Quality Management: Dal e Besterfield –expanded|2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |in QM Internal external Customer |to 2nd , 3rd 4th chapters –summary; | |Cases and Examples with citations of TQM | |Benefits and Costs –TQM|Supplier partnership |General Quality references, Industry Practices | |exemplary Organisations | |Historical Perspectives|Vendor Management |Ch 7 for Costs Chapter 1 for Benefits and Obstacles | | | | |Benefits | | | | | |Costs | | | | | |Inspection Era | | | | | |QC Era to Q A Era | | | | | |Modern Dimensions | | | | |Quality System Awards |System Concepts |Total Quality Management: Dale Besterfield –expanded|3 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |Guidelines |Quality systems |to 7th chapter Pages 203-218; | |Cases and Examples with citations of TQM | |MBNQA- ISO – EFQM |QMSISO 9000-14000-EMS |10th Chapter Summary | |exemplary Organisations | | |Malcolm Balridge-Criteria |EFQM-Downloads | | | | |EFQM Model |General Quality references, Industry Pra ctices | | | | |ISO Audit | | | | UNIT II: TOOLS OF TQM TOPIC |CONTENT |BOOK CHAPTER PAGE NUMBERS |NO OF HOURS |TEACHING METHODOLOGIES/AIDS | |Measurement Tools |Check Sheets |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 5 pages-64-73 |2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Histograms |All are covered against Purpose, When to Use, How to | |Cases and Examples | | |Run Charts |Use, Basic Steps-Final thoughts- Pitfalls if any | |PracticalIndustry examples are also taken for| | |Scatter Diagrams | | |class room demo/display | | |Cause Effect Diagram | | | | |Measurement Tools |Pareto Analysis |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 5 pages-76-84 |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |continued |Process Capability Measurement. | |Cases and Examples | | | | | | | |Analytical Tools |Process Mapping |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 6- pages-88-103|2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Regression Analysis | | |Cases and Examples | | |RU/CS Analysis Five Whys | | | | |OEE | | | | |Imp rovement Tools |Kaizen |100 Methods for TQM :Gopal Kanji and Asher |2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |JIT- Quality Circles |various-respective pages for the listed method | |Cases and Examples | | |Force Field Analysis | | |Student presentation | | |Five ‘y†s | | | | |Control Tools |Gantt Chart |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 8- |2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Network Diagram |pages-136-141 | |Cases and Examples | | |Radar Chart; PDCA | | | | | |Milestone Tracker | | | | | |Earned value management | | | | UNIT III: TECHNIQUES OF TQM |TOPIC |CONTENT |BOOK CHAPTER PAGE NUMBERS |NO OF HOURS |TEACHING METHODOLOGIES/AIDS | |Quantitative Techniques|Failure Mode Effect Analysis |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 9- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Definition; probability of failure estimation; |pages-148-151 | |Cases and Examples | | |Reliability Index; |TQM Besterfield Ch 14 summary | |All are covered against Purpose, When to Use,| | |Formula –example | | |How to Use, Basic Steps-Final thoughts- | | | | | |Pitfalls if any | |Quantitative Techniques|Statistical Process Control |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 9- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |SPC Category, Mean, Standard Deviation, |pages-152-156 | |Cases and Examples | | |USL;LSL-Controls | | | | |Quantitative Techniques|Quality Function Deployment -QFD |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 9- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Capturing Customer Expectations; House of Quality |pages-157-162 | |Cases and Examples | | |Matrix |TQM Besterfield- Ch 12 – summary | | | |Quantitative Techniques|Design of Experiments |Impl ementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 9- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |DOE – Interrogating the Process, Fisher and Taguchi |pages-162-168 | |Cases and Examples | | approach |TQM Besterfield –Ch 19 | | | |Quantitative Techniques|Monte Carlo Technique |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 9- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |MCT – Random Walk |pages-179-185 | |Cases and Examples | | |Random Number Generation | | | | |Qualitative Techniques |Benchmarking |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 10- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Internal, competitive, Functional, setting standards- |pages-179-185 | |Cases and Examples | | |world class |TQM-Besterfield-Ch 8 | | | |Qualitative Techniques |Balanced Score Card |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 10- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Kaplan Norton model |pages-190-196 | |Cases and Examples | | |Framework-strategic Objectives to KPI | | | | |Qualitative Techniques |Sales Operations P lanning |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 10- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |MRP II concepts Master Prod schedule |pages-203-207 | |Cases and Examples | |Qualitative Techniques |Kanban and Activity Based Costing |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 10- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | | pages-203-207 | |Cases and Examples | |Taguchi’s Methods |Quality Loss Function |Total Quality Management: Dale Besterfield – Chapter|2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Orthogonal Arrays |20 page 573- 629 | |Cases and Examples | | |Signal to Noise Ratio | | | | | |Nominal, Target, smaller Larger the Best, | | | | | |Parameter Design, Tolerance Design | | | | | | | | | | UNIT IV: SIX SIGMA TOPIC |CONTENT |BOOK CHAPTER PAGE NUMBERS |NO OF HOURS |TEACHING METHODOLOGIES/AIDS | |The Concept of Six Sigma |Six Sigma statistical Significance |Greg Brue: Six Sigma for Managers |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Focussed methodology | | |Cases and Examples | |Objectives of Six Sigma; |Defect Free; Lean SS |Greg Brue: Six Sigma for Managers |2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |framework of Six Sigma |Across all Functions | | |Cases and Examples | |Performance Based | | | | |Six Sigma Organisation |Model of Organisation |Greg Brue: Six Sigma for Managers |2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |Roles Responsibilities |Role Clarity- types | | |Cases and Examples | |Cost/Benefits |Cost, Benefits Optimisation | | | | | |Effective Methodology | | | | |Six Sigma Problem Solving |Methodology |Greg Brue: Six Sigma for Managers |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |Approach |Example Problems | | |Cases and Examples | | |Cases | | | | |DMAIC Model |Define |Implementing Quality: Ron Basu Chapter 9- |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |Six Sigma Metrics |Measure; analyse |pages-168-173 | |Cases and Examples | | |Improve, Control | | | | |Cost of Poor Quality(COPC)|Costs |Greg Brue: Six Sigma for Managers |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | | Preventive | | |Cases and Examples | | |Maintenance | | | | |DPMO-first pass yield |3. 4 DPMO |Greg Brue: Six Sigma for Managers |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Interpretations | | |Cases and Examples | UNIT V: TQM IN SERVICE SECTORS TOPIC |CONTENT |BOOK CHAPTER PAGE NUMBERS |NO OF HOURS |TEACHING METHODOLOGIES/AIDS | |Implementation of TQM in |Service Quality measure |TQM in the Service Sector |2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |service Organisations |Proposal |R P Mohanty – Chapter VII Pages- 246-268 | |Cases and Examples | | |Proposed System | | | | | |Checklist | | | | |Framework for improving |Gronross; servQual model, Moores model, Service |TQM in the Service Sector |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |Service Quality |Journey model, PCP quality Model etc |R P Mohanty – Chapter III Pages- 63-84-Summary | |Cases and Examples | |Model to Measure Service |Parameters |TQM in the Service Sector |2 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | |Quality |Analogy |R P Mohanty – Chapter VI Pages- 205-214-Summary | |Cases and Examples | | measurement | | | | |TQM in Health Care Services|Case Study |TQM in the Service Sector |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Model construction |R P Mohanty – Chapter IX Pages- 340-369-Summary | |Cases and Examples | |TQM in Hotels |Case study |TQM in the Service Sector |1 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Model Construction |R P Mohanty – Chapter VI Pages- 215-233-Summary | |Cases and Examples | |TQM in Financial Services |Banks |TQM in the Service Sector |3 |Lecture /Discussion –PPt | | |Investment company |R P Mohanty – Chapter X Pages- 371-400-Summary | |Cases and Examples | | |Mutual Funds | | | | |QP Discussion |Discussion | |1 | | |TOTAL HOURS FOR COMPLETION OF SYLLABUS 12+9+11+9+12 |53 | | †¢ Assignment Questions as part of Internal marks from all the units . †¢ Previous year question paper Discussion in class room †¢ Presentations of studen ts of companies following six sigma quality standards. †¢ Presentation of students on ISO certification and the companies involved in quality analysis and certification. K. SRIVANI DIRECTORPRINCIPAL How to cite Tqm Syllabus, Essay examples

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