Monday, December 23, 2019

The Importance of Information Literacy Essay - 1170 Words

Information literacy skills are used for academic purposes, such as research papers and group presentations. They are used on the job—the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information is an essential skill. They are also used in consumer decisions, such as which car or vacuum cleaner to purchase, are critical. Last but not least, they are used by informed citizens in participating fully in a democratic society through voting (Kenney, 2007). Information literacy is conceivably the foundation for learning in contemporary environment of continuous technological change. As information and communication technologies develop rapidly, and the information environment becomes increasingly complex, educators are recognizing the need for†¦show more content†¦They know where to look for the answer to both the common everyday information needs and for the answer to the more perplexing, less-easily-addressed, problems of life. They are familiar not just with where to look but also with the tools and processes required to find those answers. Zabel (2007) points out that efforts to train students to be adept at attaining information through a variety of mechanisms must be â€Å"integrated, relevant, ongoing, collaborative, and applied† if they are to be successful in preparing those students for success in their academic and professional careers (Zabel ,2007). For students to be adequately informed about the value of the university library and resources such as the Internet in information retrieval there must be a careful collaboration between teaching staff and library staff (Kenney, 2007). The focus in this task, of course, is preparing students not just for the immediate research project at hand but rather to prepare them to be life long learners, to prepare them to be successful and productive once they leave the academic environment and take up their chosen careers (Lauer Yodanis, 2012). A search for information can take a variety of routes. It might entail a visit to the university library or to some other organization that maintains information on a particular subject. Academic libraries are indeed a critical tool in informationShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Information Literacy Essay1776 Words   |  8 Pagescoined the phrase â€Å"Information Literacy† in the 70s, and they discussed three general topics. First, they discussed that information has genuine value, and therefore, people should pay for it. Second, information should be in the private sector’s hands because it needs to be uninhibited and productive. Third, the population should be able to effectively and efficiently access and handle information(Badke, 2010). 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